S K Y · V A L L E Y · N E V E R · C O M E S
I’m actually getting somewhere with my XIII Legion army.
- I stand alone on the cliffs of the world
- No one never tends to me
- Sitting alone covered in grease
- Some things are so my mind can breathe”
Springtime is a funny time of year down here. We’ve had some days of AMAZING sunshine (yay rattlecan priming!) and some days of truly terrible grimy rain (yay excuse to disappear into the cellar and paint). I’m looking forward to Kindergarten-virus season being well and truly over and being able to go out with the kids regularly.
I’ve been working on the basic layout and code junk behind the blog this past few weeks, but what have I been doing hobbywise? Usual butterfly-ing here and there but the long and the short of it is: XIII LEGION ARE GO.
Just basing and some transfers left to go and I’ll have a ton of Calth-born infantry ready for the table.
20x Tactical Legionaries
I like to follow the Heresy Era rule of thumb for a new army - a big chonk of Tacticals to form the core and make sure you have some scoring units with line
. They’re going to need some kind of taxi to zoom around in though…
10x Inductii
I took the decision rather late to paint these as Inductii. I’ve built 4 Melta-toting Legionaries and another 5 Bolter Legionaries to make up a second squad of ten already. Thought about doing Plasma guns for two of them but decided to hang fire so I’ll have enough to do a 10-man support squad for another legion down the line.
5x Volkite Culverin Heavy Support
I have 5 Heavy Volkite in my SoH army and I love the choom-choom they bring. With an Armistos Consul stood next to these guys I look forward to doing some anti-infantry damage!
5x Command Squad
Bought the box when it first came out and didn’t really have a plan for them. The remainder of the box went into a 5-man XVI Chieftains unit that I’m also looking forward to painting.
Legion Praevian
One of my backburner Heresy projects is a Mechanicum Tagmahta force. I’ve got 4 Castellax, wouldn’t it be cool if I could use them as built in allies? I can’t remember the other Consul type who can bring Thallax but I guess he could count as that too?
Thunderhammer/Jump pack Praetor AKA Demetrian Titus AKA Captain Demetrius Graiar
What a wonderful model. I’m a big fan of Tortuga Bay and this was a reward for Patreons late last year.
I would like to name my XIII inspirations while I’m at it:
Heresy Era doesn’t have any Ultramarines content up (yet!) but I’m sure that’ll get my Macraggian juices flowing whenever he does get around to it.
Anyway: next up, a Spartan, a Predator and a Contemptor Dreadnought!