A · G A L A X Y · I N · F L A M E S

Heresy & Hammers and everything in between


Hi! I’m Jon, and I fell headfirst into the hobby (again) in 2017 when I accidentally purchased a Space Marine Tactical Squad on eBay. That somehow led to some Primaris, and now I’ve painted hundreds of Intercessors and still don’t want to stop :)

Me at Warhammer World in 2024

I decided to put this site together to a) put my money where my mouth is and actually run a website again and b) to hopefully move away from a dependence on instagram for sharing my hobby nonsense.

My 30K armies:
My 40K armies:

This blog, whilst hosted on the excellent neocities is built via jekyll. Ruby 4 life yo.

I grew up in the UK and lived all over the place until meeting the love of my life whilst travelling. I now live down in the south of Germany near Stuttgart.